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LOGO: Sports Association for the Physically Disabled of Hong Kong, China
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Selection & Appeal Mechanism

Selection Mechanism for Squad
Objective: Select eligible athletes to represent Hong Kong in international competitions
Selection Criteria
  • Objective selection criteria, or specific selection methods for each sport;
  • Athletes’ training attendance rate;
  • Athletes’ training performance and physical conditions;
  • Compatibility with the long-term development goals of the sport and the Paralympic movement;
  • The development strategy and resources of the Association;
  • The athlete quota and the participation requirements of the competition.
Selection Process
  • The head coach may include additional selection criteria (e.g. minimium qualification standard) and selection methods during the process;
  • The Secretariat will consider all selection criteria above and submit the proposed list for the Executive Committee’s approval. Selection results will be posted on the Association’s website.
Appeal Mechanism
  • Athletes may appeal according to the “Appeal Procedures for Squad Selection” for any disagreements with the selection results.
 (Amended on 12th July 2016)

Appeal Mechanism for Squad Selection

Athletes may file a written appeal to the Hong Kong Sports Association for the Physically Disabled if they disagree with the squad selection results. The procedures are as follows:
  1. Athletes must submit the written request to the General Secretary of the Association within three working days of the release of the list of selected squad members, together with the reason(s) of the appeal;
  2. The Chairman of the Association will appoint three Executive Committee members to form an appeal committee in three working days upon receipt of the written appeal. The appeal committee will then conduct a hearing within seven working days (members attending the hearing include the appellant, as well the Head Coach and sports programme subject officer). Results of the hearing will be given to the appellant in three working days after the hearing’s conclusion;
  3. If the appellant dissatisfies with the results of the hearing, he/she may submit a written request, with appropriate reasons, within three working days after release of the hearing results to the Association for a final review. After receiving the written request, the Association will form a final review committee in seven working days (members include the Chairman of the Association, an Executive Committee member appointed by the Chairman*, and one President/Vice-President). The final review committee will conduct a final review hearing in seven working days upon its formation (members attending the hearing include the appellant, as well as the Head Coach and sports programme subject officer). Results of the hearing will be given to the appellant within three working days of the hearing’s conclusion. The result of the final review hearing will be the final judgment.
*The person must not be part of the former appeal committee