Guidelines for Self-financed Participation in Overseas Competitions
If the Association sends a team for overseas competition, all team members must be selected based on the Association’s existing selection mechanism. The Association will not accept any applications for self-financed participation;
Athletes may apply for participation in a competition by self-financed under his/her own name, only if the Association does not send a team to that particular competition;
The athlete must fulfill the training requirements of the Association and be recommended by the Head Coach before the Association will consider his/her application;
The Association will only assist the athlete in enrollment for the competition. The athlete is solely responsible for any other arrangements and expenses. The athlete should not wear any clothing that contains contents indicating Hong Kong, China delegation/team while participating in such competitions;
The athlete must report (if applicable) to the Association any personal agreements or responsibilities with any business dealerships or sponsorships, to avoid any conflicts with the business arrangements of the Association, International Paralympic Committee and the international federation of the respective sport.
Athlete should:
Never engage in acts that harms the image and reputation of the Association and Hong Kong;
Strictly abided by the laws of the hosting country, and refrain from any illegal acts;
Strictly follow the rules of the competition, International Paralympic Committee and the international federation of the respective sport;
Demonstrate excellent sportsmanship, set good role model, and compete on the basis of fair play;
Never perform acts that are disturbing or discriminating, never speak foul language, must pay respect to the referee, opponent and audiences, and be mindful of his/her own conducts;
Never take any illicit drugs; and agree to take the drug tests directly carried out/authorized by World Anti-Doping Agency. If the athlete refuses to take the drug tests, he/she will receive the similar penalties as those for taking illicit drugs;
The athlete will be subject to disciplinary actions by the Association for any breach of the rules above